Laura Colini
Dr. Habil. in Urban Studies. Her work covers socio-spatial housing inequalities and migration, with a focus on EU urban public policies. She is senior urban policy expert having worked for over twenty years with EU programmes and initiatives (e.g. URBACT, UIA, European Urban Initiative, EU Urban Agenda Urban Poverty, Affordable Housing, Inclusion, Culture and Cultural Heritage et al.).
She has worked in academia in Italy, Germany, France, USA and currently holds a research position at H-City Cluster on housing and city at the IUAV Venice. She teaches urban and housing policies at master students at EUP, Paris; Sagas, UNIFI, Florence and at IUAV in Venice, where she collaborates with the UNESCO chair on migration at IUAV SSIIM.
She collaborates with various NGOs, international organisations and independent civic initiatives in Europe e.g. From Sea to the Cities, and national Social Forum per l´Abitare. Co-founder of Tesserae urban and social research, MiMetis SRL migration, and part of the International Network of Urban research and Action. She has been part of the ERHA jury since 2021.