Zeno Winkels
Zeno Winkels is the Director of the Dutch Tenant Union which has a staff of 50 employees and a €5 million annual budget with income coming from its members, the national government and various advisory roles in the market.
The organisation caters local tenant organisations at local level but also targets parliament and individual politicians with ideas, concepts and lobby and is clearly the Tenants voice towards decision making bodies in The Netherlands.
Zeno studied environmental economics Wageningen University and has a track record of developing sustainable projects with EU funding at Housing Associations until 2010 and at Universities in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Delft, The Netherlands, where was born and returned from Sweden in 2016.
Since May 2020 his long-term views on sustainability and inhabitants' role in the energy transition and the individuals' opportunity to have a greener, better life, come to fruit at the Woonbond.